Kaizen Workshops
What is a Kaizen?
Kaizen is a term that refers to on-going or continuous improvement. The definition of kaizen comes from two Japanese words: ‘kai’ meaning ‘change’ and ‘zen’ meaning ‘good’. However, Kaizen has come to mean "continuous improvement" through its association with lean methodology and principles. Simply put, Kaizen is a method for quick change.​
Why is Kaizen Important?
Reduces waste, including time, resources, and revenue
Facilitates a culture of ownership: employees have a direct impact on the way things are done which makes them happier and more confident
Improves competitiveness, either between employees by providing suggestions or by the efficiency that contributes to lower costs and higher quality
Improves consumer satisfaction: higher quality means happier customers
Improves problem solving: encouraging the employees to solve problems continuously by looking at processes from a solutions perspective